Welcome to Jaipurking!
Piller of Trust
Welcome to 'Jaipurking Jyotish Kendra'.We are in this field for last 15 years & had been providing FREE ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTATION for many years. He has started 'Jaipurking Jyotish Kendra' in Jaipur(Rajasthan) and has also started this page on the request of there home followers , Around 7000 persons have Shared Their problem and get rid after taking our SERVICES AND CONSULTAION, From Us. Now, he provides CONSULTATION ON CONTRIBUTION, of Rs. 250/- for meeting staff salary, etc. If anything is left, the same is used for helping the needy. If someone is interested, one has to send a message in inbox of this page, giving date, time, place of birth & one's questions. A/c no. is provided & then reading is provided, in writing, with answers to questions, remedies & recommendation for gemstones. FREE CONSULTATION, is provided to THOSE, WHO CANNOT AFFORD.
श्री भक्त भगवंत चरितामृत
अनन्त श्री परमहंस राम मंगल दास जी एक अद्वितीय ब्रह्मलीन संत थे जिनके सामने हर धर्म के पैगम्बर,सन्त,पौराणिक तथा महापुरुषों, भगवान, देवी-देवता, ऋषि-मुनि, ने प्रगट होकर आध्यात्मिक पद व उपदेश लिखवाये। देवीय आज्ञा से यह पुस्तक 1976 ई में लिखी। इसमें आज के समय के हर धर्म के भक्तों की कथाएं हैं जिनके समक्ष भगवान, देवी-देवताओं तथा गुरु नानक जी, द्राुकदेवजी, मसीह,मोहम्मद साहब से साक्षात्कार,भगवान गांधी जी को अपने लोक ले गए तथा बातों का वर्णन किया गया है।
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Planets and Remidies
सूर्य (Chandr)मंगल (Mangal)
बुध (Budh)
बृहस्पति (Guru)
शुक्र (Shukr)
शनि (Shani)
राहु (Rahu)
केतु (Ketu)
Vrit Katha (व्रत कथा आौर विधि)
सूर्य (Monday)मंगल (Tuesday)
बुध (Wednesday)
बृहस्पति (Thrusday)
शुक्र (Friday)
शनि (saturday)
शनि (Sunday)